News 2009
Gary Fisher will be at the Trophy again!
During the 2007 Salzkammergut Trophy Gary Fisher received a pair of "Goiserer”* as a present which he has not collected yet! Well it's time to pick them up - so on July 18, 2009 he will not only come for another shoe fitting but also try to improve his time on the 110 km course! 2009 will be his last year in the "age group Masters 4”. Although Gary may not be one of the top favourites, he will be for sure part of the winners' ceremony presenting the Trophies to the winners of the 110 and the 209 km distances! Still you do not need to win a Trophy to meet Gary - Gary Fisher's newest bikes are presented at the expo area on Friday and Saturday and Gary is more than happy giving autographs to his numerous fans.
*In Austria the "Goiserer” is a synonym for a mountaineering boot handcrafted in the highest quality. Since 1880 the custom tailored and double stitched Goiserer are produced in the same style. The waiting period of a year is well worth it as the shoe lasts for more than 100 years and even nowadays the Goiserer are passed down generations.
Archive 2007:
> interview with Gary Fisher before the race
> interview with Gary Fisher in the finishing area
> photos of Gary Fisher